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Message From Mr Narend Singh, MPP, Minister Of Agriculture & Environmental Affairs

My very best wishes to the Phoenix Education, Sports and Community Centre on the occasion of the official opening of its new service and the extension of services to the community. It is commendable that the board, staff, pupils and parents, who together make up the S Dass School, have committed themselves to extend their services beyond the confines of the School and into the greater community of which it is a part.

This underlines a vital fact, that the disabled are part of the greater community, not an entity apart, this is echoed in the slogan, “The disabled make a difference”, which was adopted by the recent workshop on the implementation of the Integrated National Disability Strategy. The decision of the S Dass School to extend its services into the greater community certainly will make a difference. I applaud all those involved in the formulating and implementing this outreach action.

In my personal capacity, as well in y ministerial role, I do believe that the disabled make a difference, and I am committed to the welfare of the disabled sector of our community. To this end, in apportioning my Ministerial RDP Discretionary Fund, I allocated a significant portion to the development of horticultural tunnels at the Cheshire Homes in Merewent and Chatsworth. My department shares this commitment with me, as evidenced by their willing in corporation of these projects in our departmental Xoshindlalda “Chase Away Hunger” Campaign

Just five months ago, I was privileged to be present at the launch of the S Dass School horticultural tunnel project, which is the first that serves both the physically and the mentally disabled. My staff and I know that all who are involved in this project are highly motivated, determined to realise its potential and, in so doing, will find their own potential. My department and I will continue to give all the support that we can to help in the development of both the physically and the mentally disabled sectors of our community.

I look forward to watching the development of the new service and the extension of services of the S Dass School to the community. I am confident that with the support, training and opportunities offered by the S Dass School you will be able to overcome the challenges ahead. Go Bravely and go well, you will be proving the undeniable truth, that “the disable make difference.”

Message from her Worship, The North Central Mayor, Councillor Nomusa Dube, To Commemorate the Official Opening of the Social Empowerment Community Centre.

Our fragile human boats are swept alone the swift course of life in which the mainstream of society flows relentlessly. Some members of society get caught in whirlpools and eddies, and are cast up onto the sandbanks of life with damaged boats. There they are stranded until some caring people stretch out a hand to pull them aboard a stronger boat.

Many of our disabled and our disadvantage find themselves stranded without the means of support. In this instance, the caring people who stretched out a hand were the board of management and staff of S. Dass School, together with concerned members of the community, sponsors and donors.

The S. Dass School does not only want to pull the disadvantage and disabled into their boat, they want to make it possible for them to launch their own boats and direct their own destiny. Empowerment means being in charge of your future, having the means to control the direction of your life. The most important step is to acquire the necessary skills to do so. This is what the Social Empowerment Community Centre Will focus on pre-school and adult education. It hopes to provide not only skills training, but also health and welfare service, sports and recreation, because people have both social and economic needs. The Centre’s goal is job creation. People are empowered by the means of supporting themselves and developing their potential.

This is a very ambitious project requiring huge investment of time, effort and money. The dividends are high, however. Helping people to help themselves ultimately eases the burden of the state and the taxpayer. I therefore appeal to the public to support this most worth of causes. The necessary funds must be found to complete and run this project. In my personal and official capacity, I pledge my support and wish the Social Empowerment Community Centre every success and the very best of luck.

Message From Dr B.T Naidoo National Council For Persons with Physical Disabilities South Africa

The opening of the Phoenix Education Sports and Community Centre marks another important milestone in our march towards equalizing opportunities for the most marginalised members of our society. The corporate sector, private sponsors and governmnet are to be congratulated on their enthusiastic support of this project. The retired educators who not only masterminded this development but also ensured its successful completion are to be saluted for their public spiritendness and deep commitment
Pesco Conference Centre